Wysox Township Frequently Asked Questions

What are the hours and days for recycling?

The normal day is the fourth Saturday of each month from 8 A.M. to 11 A.M. Please refer to our Recycling Program tab at the Township Services tab.


What items are accepted for recycling?

Please refer to our Recycling Program tab at the Township Services tab.


When is the annual cleanup day usually scheduled?

The annual cleanup day is usually scheduled on a Saturday in October. Please refer to the Calendar tab for the date.


What items are accepted during the cleanup day?

This will be posted on the website prior to the cleanup day.

When are the Township Supervisor meetings?

The regularly scheduled meetings are usually the first Thursday of each month at 6 P.M.  Please refer to the Calendar tab for confirmation of each month’s meeting.

How do I contact the township office?

The office telephone number is 570-265-9200.  The office hours are from 7 A.M to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday.  Please refer to the Calendar tab to view any closings of the township office.

How do I contact the fire hall about renting their hall?

The NON-EMERGENCY telephone number for the fire hall is 570-265-8466.

How do I contact the District Justice office?

The District Justice Office #42-3-04 is located on the north side of US Route 6 just west of Route 187.  The address is 1959 Golden Mile Rd, Wysox, PA 18854. The phone number is 570-265-9393.

Is there a public boat launch in Wysox Township?

Yes.  The boat launch is located at 155 River Access Rd which can be accessed from Rt 187 just before the Wysox Township to Asylum Township Bridge.


How do I go about reserving the pavilion at the public boat launch?

Place your event and contact information with date and time on the bulletin board after reviewing previous postings.  This is an honor system, so please, respect previous postings.

Can I pay my water and sewer bill at the township building?

No, water and sewer bills are paid to the Wysox Township Municipal Authority.  Please refer to the Township Services tab for more information.

How do I contact the dog warden or the Game Commission?

Dog Wardens

Jim Johnson - 570-350-1564

Ellen Holworth - 570-836-2181

Pennsylvania Game Commission

Dallas PA – 570-674-1143

Where do I pay my taxes?

Wysox Township Tax Collector – County and Township Taxes

Angela Ottaviani,

1017 Red Rock Road,

Wysox, PA 18854.

Towanda Area School District –School Taxes

P.O. Box 267

Wellsboro PA 16901



How do I volunteer for a township appointed position?

Contact the township secretary at 570-265-9200.  Your name will be put on a list and considered when appointments are needed.

Wysox Township