Wysox Town Ordinances
- Ordinance 2005-02 to Present
- Resolutions: 2015-10 to Present
Ordinance 2005-02 to Present
Ordinance 2024-002 Amending Article III, Table 306.1 of the Wysox Township Zoning Ordinance
Ordinance 2021-01 WTMA
Ordinance No. 2015-01 Health Insurance
Ordinance No. 2015-02 Vehicle and traffic in emergency
Ordinance No. 2015-06 Enacting Mercantile License
Ordinance No. 2015-03 Zoning Ordinance providing for the Regulation of Oil and Gas
Ordinance No. 2013-01 Amending Ord. 2006-01 Reg of Oil and Gas Operations
Ordinance No. 2013-02 Enacting a Mercantile License
Ordinance No. 2013-03 Amending Chapt 10 zoning ordinance Comm Dist II
Ordinance No. 2010-01 Loan for Const. of Water System WTMA
Ordinance No. 2009-01 Amending Zoning Ordinance Special Exceptions
001-2024 Flood Plain Ordinance
Ordinance 2023-01 Curb Cut Ordinance
Ordinance 2022-02 Amending of zoning ordnance 602(a)(1) dealing with Buffer Yards
Ordinance 2022-01 Zoning Amendment R1- to Commercial - Shore's
Ordinance No. 2020-02 Post Rd Speed Limit
2020 Zoning Ordinance Map
Ordinance No. 2020-01 Wysox Zoning Ordinance
Ordinance No. 2019-03 - Brake Prohibition Ordinance(Jake Brake)
Ordinance No. 2019-02 -- Local Service Tax (LST) Amended
Ordinance No. 2019-01 - Rules and Regulations for Water Use
Ordinance No. 2018-06 - Local Service Tax Increase
Ordinance No. 2018-05 - WTMA Amending to Civil Offense
Ordinance No. 2018-04 - Property Maintenance Amending Date
Ordinance No. 2018-03 - Wireless Communication Ordinance
Ordinance No. 2018-02 - Defined Contribution Pension Plan
Ordinance No. 2018-01 - COG Ordinance
Ordinance No. 2017-05 - Abandoned Vehicles
Ordinance No. 2017-04 - Property Maintenance
Ordinance No. 2017-03 - Soliciting
Ordinance No. 2017-02 - Sign
Ordinance No. 2017-01 - Tax Collector Commission
Ordinance No. 2016-01 - Change of Use Fee
Ordinance No. 2015-05 - Township Manager Appointment
Ordinance No. 2015-04 - PSATS UC Group Trust
Ordinance No. 2014-03 - Act 13 Oil and Gas Amendments
Ordinance No. 2014-02 - Floodplain Management
Ordinance No. 2014-01 - Salaries and Compensation
Ordinance No. 2012-02 - Pennsylvania Construction Code
Ordinance No. 2012-01B - Uniform Construction Code
Ordinance No. 2012-01A - Emergency Services Billing
Ordinance No. 2009-02 - Fire Insurance Claims Payment
Ordinance No. 2005-02 - Change of Use Fee
- Ordinance 2024-002 Amending Article III, Table 306.1 of the Wysox Township Zoning Ordinance
- Ordinance 2021-01 WTMA
- Ordinance No. 2015-01 Health Insurance
- Ordinance No. 2015-02 Vehicle and traffic in emergency
- Ordinance No. 2015-06 Enacting Mercantile License
- Ordinance No. 2015-03 Zoning Ordinance providing for the Regulation of Oil and Gas
- Ordinance No. 2013-01 Amending Ord. 2006-01 Reg of Oil and Gas Operations
- Ordinance No. 2013-02 Enacting a Mercantile License
- Ordinance No. 2013-03 Amending Chapt 10 zoning ordinance Comm Dist II
- Ordinance No. 2010-01 Loan for Const. of Water System WTMA
- Ordinance No. 2009-01 Amending Zoning Ordinance Special Exceptions
- 001-2024 Flood Plain Ordinance
- Ordinance 2023-01 Curb Cut Ordinance
- Ordinance 2022-02 Amending of zoning ordnance 602(a)(1) dealing with Buffer Yards
- Ordinance 2022-01 Zoning Amendment R1- to Commercial - Shore's
- Ordinance No. 2020-02 Post Rd Speed Limit
- 2020 Zoning Ordinance Map
- Ordinance No. 2020-01 Wysox Zoning Ordinance
- Ordinance No. 2019-03 - Brake Prohibition Ordinance(Jake Brake)
- Ordinance No. 2019-02 -- Local Service Tax (LST) Amended
- Ordinance No. 2019-01 - Rules and Regulations for Water Use
- Ordinance No. 2018-06 - Local Service Tax Increase
- Ordinance No. 2018-05 - WTMA Amending to Civil Offense
- Ordinance No. 2018-04 - Property Maintenance Amending Date
- Ordinance No. 2018-03 - Wireless Communication Ordinance
- Ordinance No. 2018-02 - Defined Contribution Pension Plan
- Ordinance No. 2018-01 - COG Ordinance
- Ordinance No. 2017-05 - Abandoned Vehicles
- Ordinance No. 2017-04 - Property Maintenance
- Ordinance No. 2017-03 - Soliciting
- Ordinance No. 2017-02 - Sign
- Ordinance No. 2017-01 - Tax Collector Commission
- Ordinance No. 2016-01 - Change of Use Fee
- Ordinance No. 2015-05 - Township Manager Appointment
- Ordinance No. 2015-04 - PSATS UC Group Trust
- Ordinance No. 2014-03 - Act 13 Oil and Gas Amendments
- Ordinance No. 2014-02 - Floodplain Management
- Ordinance No. 2014-01 - Salaries and Compensation
- Ordinance No. 2012-02 - Pennsylvania Construction Code
- Ordinance No. 2012-01B - Uniform Construction Code
- Ordinance No. 2012-01A - Emergency Services Billing
- Ordinance No. 2009-02 - Fire Insurance Claims Payment
- Ordinance No. 2005-02 - Change of Use Fee
Resolutions: 2015-10 to Present
2025-02 Resolution appointing voting delegates for TCC
Resolution 2025-1 Appointment of an Accountant to complete fiscal audits
Resolution 2024-09 Approving Chairman as Chief Administrative Office of Employee 401(a) Plan
Resolution 2024-08 Boating Facilities Grant from the PA Fish and Boat Commission
2016- 05 Appointments To Vacancy Board
2016- 04 Appointments To Central Bradford Progress Authority Board
2016 - 03 Appointments To Wysox Township Planning Commission
2016-02 Appointments to Wysox Township Municipal Authority
2016-01 Appointments to the Zoning Hearing Board
2016-06 Appointments for Alternates to the Zoning Hearing Board
2016-07 Emergency Operations Plan Update
2016-08 Twp Manager Authorized Spending Limit
2016- 09 Authorization of Township Manager to Advertise for Bid Jobs
2016-10 Central Bradford County Bike Trail
2016-10 Central Bradford County Bike Trail
2020-04 Highway Transfer Program SR 1037
2019-03 Ambulance Service
Resolution 2024-06 Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement
Resolution 2024-05 Statewide Local Share Assessment Grant
Resolution 2024-04 Curative Amendment for the Wysox Zoning Ordinance
Resolution 2024-03 Emergency Plan
Resolution 2024-02 TCC Voting Delegates
Resolution 2024-01 Owens & Co to Audit
Resolution 2023-04 Central Bradford Progress Authority change in procedures.
Resolution 2023-05 Authorizing Approval of the Issuance of Revenue Bonds- Progress Authority
Resolution 2023-06 Intermunicipal Transfer Of Liquor License - Top Markets
Resolution 2023- 03 CPA to Audit
2023-02 Emergency Operations plan update
2023-04 Approval of Central Brad Co Progress Authority request to change the procedure for selecting the Board members
01-2023 - Bradford County TCC Voting Delegate Appointment Resolution
Resolution 2022-5 Implement Act 57 Local Tax Collection Law
2022-4 Pringle lane
2022-3 Wysox Park Phase III
2022-2 Bridge Inspection contract
2022-1 Approving The Extension of the Term of Existence of the Central Brad Co Progress Auth
2021-11 Designation of Agent for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
2021-12 Bradford County TCC Voting Delegate Appointment
2021-8 Authorizing Approval of the Issuance of Revenue Bonds by the Central Brad Progress Auth
2021-7 Authorizing Approval of the Reissuance and Conversion of Revenue Bonds by Central Brad Progress Auth
2021-3 Financing for WTMA
2021-10 Real Estate Tax Levy
2021-6 Declaration of Emergency Severe Thunderstorm/Flash Flooding
2021-9 Approve the Extension of the Term of Existence of the Central Bradford Progress Authority
2021-01 Declaration of Emergency 2/1-2/3/21
2021-04 WTMA
2021-02 Wysox Park Phase II
2021-05 Approval of the Issuance of Revenue Bonds by the Central Bradford County Progress Authority
2020 - 03 Work Comp Vol. Fire Fighters Extension
Emergency Declaration March 2020
2020 - 01 Emergency Operations Plan Update
2020 - 02 Mitigation Plan
2019-02 - Assessment Appeal
2019-01 - Appointment of Alternates
2018 - 08 - Appoint a Liasion between It and Berkheimer
2018 - 07 - Execute an Agreement with Berkheimer
2018-06 - Appoint Berkheimer as Tax Hearing Officer
2018-05 - Authorize to Collect Delinquent Taxes
2018-04 - Authorizing Small Borrowing
2018-03 - Record Keeper for Pension Plan
2018-02 - Beneficiary In Event of Death - Pension Plan
2018-01 - Professional Services for Pension Plan
2017-05 - Susquehanna Greenway Rivertown
2017-04 - Liquor License Transfer to Golden Mile
2017-03 - Co-Applicant - Shores
2017-02 - Health Insurance
2017-01 - RT 6 Alliance
2015-10 - Liquor License Approval for Dandy #74
- 2025-02 Resolution appointing voting delegates for TCC
- Resolution 2025-1 Appointment of an Accountant to complete fiscal audits
- Resolution 2024-09 Approving Chairman as Chief Administrative Office of Employee 401(a) Plan
- Resolution 2024-08 Boating Facilities Grant from the PA Fish and Boat Commission
- 2016- 05 Appointments To Vacancy Board
- 2016- 04 Appointments To Central Bradford Progress Authority Board
- 2016 - 03 Appointments To Wysox Township Planning Commission
- 2016-02 Appointments to Wysox Township Municipal Authority
- 2016-01 Appointments to the Zoning Hearing Board
- 2016-06 Appointments for Alternates to the Zoning Hearing Board
- 2016-07 Emergency Operations Plan Update
- 2016-08 Twp Manager Authorized Spending Limit
- 2016- 09 Authorization of Township Manager to Advertise for Bid Jobs
- 2016-10 Central Bradford County Bike Trail
- 2016-10 Central Bradford County Bike Trail
- 2020-04 Highway Transfer Program SR 1037
- 2019-03 Ambulance Service
- Resolution 2024-06 Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement
- Resolution 2024-05 Statewide Local Share Assessment Grant
- Resolution 2024-04 Curative Amendment for the Wysox Zoning Ordinance
- Resolution 2024-03 Emergency Plan
- Resolution 2024-02 TCC Voting Delegates
- Resolution 2024-01 Owens & Co to Audit
- Resolution 2023-04 Central Bradford Progress Authority change in procedures.
- Resolution 2023-05 Authorizing Approval of the Issuance of Revenue Bonds- Progress Authority
- Resolution 2023-06 Intermunicipal Transfer Of Liquor License - Top Markets
- Resolution 2023- 03 CPA to Audit
- 2023-02 Emergency Operations plan update
- 2023-04 Approval of Central Brad Co Progress Authority request to change the procedure for selecting the Board members
- 01-2023 - Bradford County TCC Voting Delegate Appointment Resolution
- Resolution 2022-5 Implement Act 57 Local Tax Collection Law
- 2022-4 Pringle lane
- 2022-3 Wysox Park Phase III
- 2022-2 Bridge Inspection contract
- 2022-1 Approving The Extension of the Term of Existence of the Central Brad Co Progress Auth
- 2021-11 Designation of Agent for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
- 2021-12 Bradford County TCC Voting Delegate Appointment
- 2021-8 Authorizing Approval of the Issuance of Revenue Bonds by the Central Brad Progress Auth
- 2021-7 Authorizing Approval of the Reissuance and Conversion of Revenue Bonds by Central Brad Progress Auth
- 2021-3 Financing for WTMA
- 2021-10 Real Estate Tax Levy
- 2021-6 Declaration of Emergency Severe Thunderstorm/Flash Flooding
- 2021-9 Approve the Extension of the Term of Existence of the Central Bradford Progress Authority
- 2021-01 Declaration of Emergency 2/1-2/3/21
- 2021-04 WTMA
- 2021-02 Wysox Park Phase II
- 2021-05 Approval of the Issuance of Revenue Bonds by the Central Bradford County Progress Authority
- 2020 - 03 Work Comp Vol. Fire Fighters Extension
- Emergency Declaration March 2020
- 2020 - 01 Emergency Operations Plan Update
- 2020 - 02 Mitigation Plan
- 2019-02 - Assessment Appeal
- 2019-01 - Appointment of Alternates
- 2018 - 08 - Appoint a Liasion between It and Berkheimer
- 2018 - 07 - Execute an Agreement with Berkheimer
- 2018-06 - Appoint Berkheimer as Tax Hearing Officer
- 2018-05 - Authorize to Collect Delinquent Taxes
- 2018-04 - Authorizing Small Borrowing
- 2018-03 - Record Keeper for Pension Plan
- 2018-02 - Beneficiary In Event of Death - Pension Plan
- 2018-01 - Professional Services for Pension Plan
- 2017-05 - Susquehanna Greenway Rivertown
- 2017-04 - Liquor License Transfer to Golden Mile
- 2017-03 - Co-Applicant - Shores
- 2017-02 - Health Insurance
- 2017-01 - RT 6 Alliance
- 2015-10 - Liquor License Approval for Dandy #74
The above "Ordinance Index 1994 to Present" is a list of Wysox Township Ordinances enacted since January 1, 1994. Some of the more important Ordinances are listed directly above the index and are available to download.
Those which are not listed above are available at the Township Office for public inspection or a copy can be mailed upon request.
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